Cultural factors influencing Education: Race, Class & Gender

Education is very important for shaping the individual personal, Social, and economic success. However, access to education and its outcomes are often influenced by various cultural factors, including race, class, and gender. These cultural factors play very crucial roles in the school, society, and community.

It is essential to understand the ways in which race, class, and gender intersect to create unique educational experiences for individuals, as well as to identify and address systemic inequalities in our educational systems. This topic is complex and multifaceted, requiring a nuanced understanding of the ways in which cultural factors influence educational outcomes

Cultural factors influencing Education: Gender, Class, and Race

The major cultural factors influencing education are Race, Class, and Gender. Let’s Discuss one by one


Race can be defined as a group of people with certain common inherited features that distinguish them from other groups of people. The most commonly used human racial type is based on visual threats such as skin color, facial appearance, types of hair, colors of eyes and skin, etc.

Race refers to the idea that human beings can be classified in different ways on the basis of barriers and racial types. The concept of race is frequently used to justify the superiority and inferiority of society.

Race plays a very crucial role in children’s educational system. Race factors take place from the lower level of children’s education-this includes their academic performance and professional employment. It also includes social interaction, Parental involvement, curriculum development, and assessment issues, e.g. The united states and Africa have a rich culprit history of discriminant on racial factors. Nelson Mandela and  Mahatma Gandhi raised their voice on the racial issues in Africa.

According to NPE 2016, their various reports to Govt. have illustrated the provision in favor of Racial equality

  • Non-discriminant in education
  • Right of Minorities
  • RTE 2009, Every child has an equal right to access education without any discrimination
  • Education of Tribal Children


The class also influences the educational policies in the overall growth and development of the students. A class is generally a category of people having similar characteristics such as similar socio-economic systems, Similar occupations, similar value systems, and styles of living. However, they have been marked changes in recent years as regards the possession of similar characteristics of a social class

Characteristics of social class-

  • Class based on occupation, sex, age, and wealth
  • It is the hierarchy of class-Upper class, middle class, lower class
  • Feelings of superiority and inferiority

In India Social class is divided on the basis of the following characteristics

  • Social Class according to income (Rich & Poor)
  • Social Class according to habitation (Urban/Rural)
  • Social class according to possession of land i.e. Landlords and tenants.
  • According to General acceptability, class structure or social classes in India may be divided as Upper class, Middle class, Lower Class, Class below Poverty Line

Social structuring of the society plays a major role in education by the way of socio-economic conditions which directly or indirectly affect the individual. A student belonging to Middle Class or lower-class family may not be familiar with advanced technologies, that are now required in education.

In Modern day education, all the educational work such as assignments, Case studies is computerized based on. Therefore, It is crucial the social class difference should be kept in mind while training the educational policies.

  • According to the RTE-2009, Every child has a fundamental right to education regardless of caste, class, or Gender
  • Govt. Launch scholarship schemes for minority students, tribal students, and meritious students.
  • According to NPE-1986, reservation policies for admission in the educational institutes for Sc/ St students.
  • Navoday Vidyalaya Residental school provides quality education for all children free of cost.


The differentiation of human kinds in male and female conditions is not only biological and genetic but also social. Masculine and Feminine Gender.

The roles functions and patterns are taught to children early on in their childhood based on their biologically and they are expected to take roles in their life

India is a country where gender bias still exists. It exists not only within family life but also in the professional workplace as well as education.

According to UNDP Human Development reports rank India 132 out of 187 countries on the Gender equality index. India is said to have made considerable progress in reducing gender inequalities but these numbers do not represent the complete picture of gender inequality in education, because of historical discrimination and social-cultural milieu, the disparity in the distribution of resources (expenditure in education), sharing of power (representation in the elite institution) and social interaction among the genders remains deeply embedded

Gender Inequality in school may exist due to various reasons and they are not to be taken lightly dealt with. Example: Although Men and women have the same level of education it is more difficult for women to get higher posts in Jobs.

NPE 2016 is his report to address this issue by highlighting in chapter (6.21) KVS, JNVS, and KGBV also recommended various systems.

Measure to overcome

  1. Creation of proper Social attitudes and environment in rural areas and backward areas for the education of girls
  2. Establishment of a separate school for girls
  3. Provision of adequate educational facilities in backward and rural areas such as Hostel for Girls, Transport facilities for girls, and free education for girls
  4. Removing economic backwardness of rural and backward areas by providing free uniforms and textbooks, Mid-day Meals

In the present context, the Government is providing all those facilities to overcome gender Inequality. The process is on progress it will take more time to solve all those issues

In conclusion, cultural factors such as race, class, and gender have a significant impact on education, shaping access, experiences, and outcomes for individuals. These factors can intersect in complex ways, resulting in unique challenges and opportunities for students. It is crucial to acknowledge and address systemic inequalities in our educational systems to create more equitable learning environments. By recognizing the ways in which cultural factors influence education, we can work towards creating more inclusive and supportive educational experiences for all students, regardless of their background or identity.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the cultural factors that influence Learning/ Education?

The major cultural factors that influence education or learning is class, race, Gender

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