A Portfolio is a portable collection of material that provides graphics evidence of one’s accomplishments, skills abilities and quality, and our experience and training which was
assigned to the B.Ed. trainer for in partial fulfilment of B.Ed. Course. In this regard, we had
communicated and consulted with the Principal of XXX School. Where we are assigned for a three-month internship. The Principal gave us consent for the student portfolios.
As a result, we asked the student to furnish the necessary things required in the portfolios.
At first sight, some students felt shy and some hesitated to give their photos and necessary
information, but at the same time, some students got interested when we simply told them that we
were assigned to prepare their portfolios and submit the same to the College of Teacher Education. for partial fulfilment of B.Ed. course they got interested all. So, We supplied them with the portfolio form and requested them to submit it in the next week. Accordingly, they submit the form.
During that time we find so much information about their family background, their socio-economic condition, and the social environment they live which lead me to give individual attention to the student. As a teacher, we should know the individual differences of the students which helps the teacher effective teaching and learning
There are so many factors which affect the students learning. As I studied them and got
their background, the socio-economic condition of the family helped me to take the necessary
remedy for effective teaching and learning. The portfolios of ten students are given as follows.