Time table is a framework to run the school properly. Time table is a mirror that
reflects the entire educational program followed in the school. A timetable can list
homework, study times, work schedules, appointments and other activities of the
school. The school time-table is the complete guideline for the teachers
School Time Table
The main function of a school is to organize teaching-learning of different
teaching subjects. It requires a daily schedule of teaching in the school. The Daily
schedule of teaching courses or subjects for different classes is known as school time
Meaning of School Timetable
The school timetable is the chart in a school showing the daily time table. “A
time table is said to be the second Clock. It shows the hours during which school
work is done, what work is to be done during each period of the school day and in
each class, the room in which the work is to be done, and the teacher to be incharge of the work.”
Importance of Time Table
The school time table is the specified schedule of school functioning. It has the
following importance :
- It provides the span of the school working hours.
- It indicates the teacher’s workload in terms of the teaching period.
- It guides the teachers in their teaching duties and responsibilities.
- It is used for making arrangement in the absence of teachers.
- It helps in equalizing the workload of teachers.
- The students get information about teaching subjects period-wise.
It can be concluded that it is very important for each and every teacher should
learn how to prepare a school time table for their respective school as per the
convenience for the smooth running of school
Daily School Time Table for Class IX and X