Lesson plan on Nutrition

The lesson plan is a very important tool for teaching. Today we are going to discuss the lesson plan on Nutrition

Lesson plan on Nutrition

Name of the Teacher: XX
Roll No: 00
Class: X
The average age of the students: 15 + years
Subject: Life Science
Lesson Whole: Life Process
Lesson Unit: Nutrition
Duration: 40 Minutes
Date: DD/MM/YY

General Aims

  • To create interest in the students to study the subject of Life Science
  • To develop the power of reasoning, thinking, and imagination of scientific skills

Specific Objective

  • To enable them to understand the energy source of living things
  • Students will be able to learn about the nutrition
  • To enable them to know about the importance of Nutrition

Teaching Aids

Blackboard, chalk, duster, chart, and pointer

Step-I Preparation

Motivation: In order to motivate the students the following questions will be asked

QuestionsExpected Answer
Is plant living things?Yes
How do plants make their food?By the process of photosynthesis
How do we take food?Through our mouth
Why do we take food?To get energy


Well, in class today we have discussed that like animals and human beings plants also living things. Plants get their food through the process of photosynthesis.

So, class today we are going to learn about ‘Nutrition’

Step-II Presentation

Teaching PointsInstructional ObjectivesTeaching MethodsTeacher’s activity/ DiscussionBlackboard workTesting-Learning outcomesLearning Outcomes
1. Introduction on NutritionStudents will be able to learn about the importance of foodLecture and Discussion MethodAll living things like plants, Animals, and Human beings need food to keep alive and get energy. Plant get their food through the process of photosynthesis. Animals take their food through the mouth called ingestionGreen plants and some bacteria prepare food by using inorganic sources such as carbon dioxide and water by the process of photosynthesis1. Name two raw materials of photosynthesisknowledge: Students learned about the importance of food
2. Definition of NutritionStudents will able to define the term ‘Nutrition’LectureNutrition can be defined as a substance that an organism obtains from its surrounding and uses it as a source of energy.We obtain nutrition from various nutrients. Some important nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals etc2. Define the term Nutritionunderstand: Students understand that Nutrition is obtained from Nutrients.
3. Modes of NutritionStudents will be able to learn about the modes of NutritionLecture and Discussion methodThere are basic two modes of nutrition they are-
(i) Autotrophic and
(ii) Heterotrophic Nutrition
Two modes of Nutrition-
Autotrophic: Nutrition in which organisms make its own food
Ex- green plants, autotrophic bacteria
Heterotrophic: The mode of nutrition in which an organism cannot make its own food
Ex- all animals
3. Name two modes of nutrition with one example of eachApplication: Students can identify two modes of nutrition
4. Types of Heterotrophic NutritionStudents will be able to learn about the different types of heterotrophic nutrition
The heterotrophic mode of nutrition is of three types-
i. Saprotrophic Nutrition
ii. Parasitic Nutrition
iii. Holozoic Nutrition
-Organisms having a saprophytic mode of nutrition are called saprophytes
Saprophytes are the organism that obtained food from dead and decaying
e.g: Fungi (Bread moulds)
-A parasite is an organism (plants or animal which feed on another living organism called its host
Ex- Plasmodium
-Holozoic Nutrition is nutrition in which an organism takes complex organic food materials into its body by the process of ingestion
Ex-Human beings and most of the animals
4. Name the different types of heterotrophic nutritionSkills: Students are able to differentiate the different types of heterotrophic nutrition

Step-III Recapitulation

In order to test pupil’s understanding of the lesson just taught, the following question will be asked

  1. Define the term Nutrition
  2. Why do we need Nutrition?
  3. Name two modes of Nutrition
  4. What are autotrophs?
  5. Give one example of parasite

Step-IV Remedial Teaching

Remedial teaching will be done if found necessary

Step-V Home Assignment

  • Explain the different types of heterotrophic nutrition with examples

Conclusion: So class, today we have learned about ‘Nutrition’. In the next class we will learn about ‘Nutrition in Human’

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